Elizabeth Larkam
Vorstellungsvideo ansehenElizabeth Larkam ist eine der bedeutendsten und wichtigsten Koryphäen der Pilateswelt.
Als direkte Nachfolgerin der 1. Trainergeneration hat sie das heutige zeitgenössische Pilates so stark geprägt, wie kaum eine andere Person in der internationalen Pilatesszene. Sie arbeitet eng mit Tom Myers, dem Gründer von Anatomy Trains zusammen und verfolgt mit großer Leidenschaft die Faszienforschung.
Elizabeth Larkam is internationally recognized as an innovator of mind body movement techniques for performing arts, therapeutic, athletic, fitness and academic settings.
For 25 years Elizabeth has worked within organizations to develop new applications for Pilates techniques. While a Pilates Dancemedicine Specialist at Center for Sports Medicine, Saint Francis Memorial Hospital 1985-2000 Elizabeth directed the program that created Pilates protocols for orthopedic, spine and chronic pain diagnoses.
While Director of Pilates & Beyond at Western Athletic Clubs, 2000-2009 Elizabeth developed the internationally acclaimed Mind & Body Center within The San Francisco Bay Club where she served as Pilates & Yoga Director. In 2008 she began collaborating with physical therapists to develop Pilates protocols for wounded warriors from Iraq and Afghanistan. Elizabeth joined YogaWorks in 2010.
Elizabeth began her study of Pilates techniques in 1985 while teaching dance at Stanford University. A Gold Certified Pilates Method Alliance teacher, Elizabeth was educated by the first generation Pilates teachers Ron Fletcher, Eve Gentry, Carola Trier, Romana Kryzanowska, Bruce King and Alan Herdman. Elizabeth is a guild-certified Feldenkrais practitioner, certified Gyrotonic® and Gyrokinesis™ instructor, Franklin Method teacher and OM Yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's and master's education at Stanford University. Elizabeth worked as a Pilates and Dancemedicine Specialist with the San Francisco Ballet and Cirque de Soleil, as a lecturer at the University of San Francisco in exercise and sports science, a mind-body spokesperson for the American Council on Exercise, and a Reebok Master Trainer. She is a contributor to and member of the Advisory Board of PilatesStyle.
Co-founder of Polestar Pilates Education, the industry's first international Pilates education company, Elizabeth is now a Master Teacher with Balanced Body University conducting courses throughout North America, Europe and Asia.
Since 1992 Elizabeth has created 30 instructional DVDs for fitness, therapeutic, education and home markets. As program director of Balanced Body Pilates, she developed the instructional video series that launched the Pilates Allegro Reformer. Elizabeth created the Mat with Roller & Ring program, Mat with Rotator Discs, Reebok Core Pilates, BOSU Pilates, and Kinesis Mind Body for Techno Gym. She choreographs and performs with PilatesPerformance.
Elizabeth's podcasts are found on www.pilates.com. Her DVDs are available on www.pilates.com and www.optp.com
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